Dental emergencies are rare, but when they do happen, the dentists at Nu Smile Dental Center are available for help. Patients with dental emergencies can visit Nu Smile Dental Center in Costa Mesa, California.

What are common dental emergencies?

Dental emergencies and urgent care needs include any type of dental issue that requires immediate or prompt care to relieve pain or other symptoms and to prevent further damage. Some of the more common dental emergencies include:

  • Toothaches.
  • Jaw Pain.
  • Swollen or Tender Gums.
  • Abscesses or Other Infections.
  • Chipped, Cracked, or Broken Teeth.
  • Teeth that are knocked out.
  • Lost or Broken Fillings, Crowns, Dentures, or Other Restorations.
  • Cuts or Lacerations in the Gums or Soft Tissues.
  • Trauma or injury to the teeth, face, or mouth.
  • Infection or swelling of the gums, mouth, or face.
  • Severe, unmanageable discomfort or pain in these areas.

In any of these situations, you should seek help as soon as possible. The dentists at Nu Smile Dental Center are trained to handle a range of dental problems and can offer the necessary diagnostic tools, anesthetics, and treatments you need for dental emergencies.

What should I do if an adult tooth is knocked out?

Often, a healthy adult tooth can be replanted after being knocked out as long as the tooth and root remain in good condition. If a tooth is knocked out, try to place it back in the socket. If that’s not possible, place it between the cheek and gum or in a glass of milk. Call the office immediately for further instructions or head to our office during routine office hours.

What causes toothaches?

Toothaches are one of the most common dental urgent care needs, and they can be caused by many different issues, including decay and abscesses or infections. Pressure from impacted teeth or objects that become lodged between the teeth can also cause pain. Any type of tooth pain, no matter how minimal, should be evaluated as soon as possible to avoid more serious issues, including tooth loss.

What if I have a dental injury?

The first thing to do in a dental emergency is to stay calm and focused. If there is any bleeding, stop that first while protecting the injured tooth or area. Never take aspirin or ibuprofen, as they are anticoagulants that can cause excessive bleeding. Take acetaminophen to alleviate pain instead. Contact the office or your regular dentist as soon as possible. Most of the time, an x-ray of the involved tooth or teeth is needed to determine the extent of the injury. If a tooth has been displaced, knocked out, or fractured, it may still be reattached. If you wear braces and sustain an injury, this should be considered an emergency because of the added tension caused by the wires on the teeth.

Nu Smile Dental Center provides a 24-hour answering system that is easily accessible to patients.

Are there any steps I can take to prevent dental emergencies?

Yes. Having routine office visits every six months and getting treatment for any dental issue, no matter how “minor,” are vital for keeping teeth and gums healthy and strong, so they’re better able to withstand trauma and ward off decay and other damage. Call the office at the first sign of decay or other damage, and don’t delay care. Wearing a mouthguard when playing sports and avoiding using the teeth as tools are also important for avoiding damage.

What else is considered an emergency?

Most of the time dental issues can wait for a standard appointment but other orthodontic situations such as the following should be considered an emergency:

  • A poking wire - You should have orthodontic wax on hand to cover the end of a wire. If you don’t, call your dentist and ask for some. While wires that stick out will eventually need to be fixed, you can cover the end momentarily with the wax, so the flesh inside your mouth doesn’t get injured. No wax? You might need to go to the dentist to get some or to repair the wire.
  • Sores or allergic reactions - Sores might be an indication that the braces don’t fit properly and need to be adjusted. However, they can also be a sign of an allergic reaction to the metal or even the elastic bands. If you are experiencing sudden and serious reactions, like swelling, inflammation, or difficulty swallowing or eating, call your dentist right away.
  • Severe Pain - Most common causes of pain include debris that is lodged under the gum line; a lost filling; a broken or cracked tooth; or an infection. Only a complete examination can determine the underlying cause of severe pain. Prior to a dental appointment, apply ice to the area for ten to twenty minutes each hour. If you suspect a broken jaw, do not move your jaw. Secure it in place with a handkerchief tied over the top of the head. Use a compress to reduce swelling and go to the emergency room.

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Office Hours

Mon: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Front Office Open, Back Office Closed)

Tue: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Wed: Closed

Thu: By appointment 10:00 am - 6:30 pm

Fri: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

Sat & Sun: Closed

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